

Web3 Participants

New Year's Day

The year has passed, and the fireworks have disappeared in the air.

Some memories are getting farther away from the world, if

You ask me if I love this holiday? I think I need to ask my mom.

I didn't get a haircut, didn't shave, and slept until noon every day.

Life is decadent, decadent, decadent, still decadent.

Don't ask me about the holiday, I can't answer.

Look! The lively crowd in the mall, aimless.

I blend in, dressed differently.

I need to tidy myself up and take a photo.

This year. I think I should go out and take a walk.

I haven't left this city for over 500 days.

Playing the game of grabbing red envelopes, I'm not excited at all.

Tibet, Chongqing, I want to go once.

Maybe it's my graduation trip.

Life is like a play, why bother caring.

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